The htmlwidgets
package is very interesting and powerful. All the time, I want to write
my own html widgets, but I failed. This is my third try, finally I
success! As I first try of using htmlwidgets
, I hope you
will tolerate some of the flaws of this R package, and I will improve it
in the future. Next, let’s use hwordcloud
First, you can install it from github
# or just use git
Also, I made a shiny application example for this package:
dir <- system.file("examples", "hwordcloud", package = "hwordcloud")
Enjoy your use!
We can use wordcloud2’s datesets to demonstrate:
I hate complex codes, so I built some themes in this package. Just change theme parameter, you can render wordcloud in different apperance.
Title and subtitle are also can be customized.
A complete example:
within RMarkdown documentsBenefit from htmlwidgets
, you can use
function in R Markdown document. For example,
you can create a github document and code following codes in it, save it
as a .Rmd
documents, then knit
it, you will
find a word cloud embedded in it.
within Shiny applicationsHere is a very simple shiny example:
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("word cloud example"),
hwordcloudOutput("shinytest", height = "500px")
server <- function(input, output) {
df <- head(demoFreq, 50)
output$shinytest <- renderHwordcloud({
hwordcloud(text = df$word, size = df$freq)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)